The goal of the FMPE Research program is to:
“Clarify and explore the processes and components of the Practice Based Learning Program (PBLP) that enhance physician learning and practice change”
The first funded research project undertaken by FMPE was the Better Prescribing Project (1998-2000) designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the small group PBLP. This study showed that physicians who use the small group PBLP process are more likely to change their prescribing behavior (Herbert 2004; Wakefield 2003; Wakefield 2004).
In order to facilitate a greater focus on research, a formal research program was established in 2009. The program has several ongoing projects, conducted by FMPE faculty and also in collaboration with a number of renowned medical education researchers. Topics of research include:
- practice reflections
- commitment-to-change
- communities of learners
- self-assessment
- knowledge translation
- practice implementation
These research projects would not be possible without the full support and voluntary participation of small group PBLP facilitators and members.
The following agencies have provided funding for peer reviewed projects:
- Health Canada
- Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME)
- Medical Council of Canada (MCC)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Program Evaluation
The goal of our program evaluations is to determine the effectiveness of PBLP and the level of satisfaction our members have with the program.
PBLP Member and Facilitator Surveys are important components of the program evaluation process. The surveys offer program participants the opportunity to provide feedback on a range of issues and make suggestions for further enhancement of the program.
Members are also offered the opportunity to evaluate each PBLP module. This feedback is invaluable to the module development team and helps create modules that better meet the learning needs of members.
In addition to member feedback, we regularly evaluate the program internally at all levels of our organization. Assessments from all stakeholders are used to determine whether our educational goals are being met and whether our program is evolving to meet emerging needs.
Past efforts to improve the program are reflected in increasing member satisfaction over time (note virtual session in 2020 did impact the ratings given by members):
Membership Survey Results
2005 | 2010 | 2013 | 2018 | 2020* | |
The overall PBSG learning experience; good to excellent: | 89.7% | 90.8% | 95.2% | 98.0% | 87.4% |
The quality of group interaction; good to excellent: | 89.4% | 92.9% | 97.7% | 98.7% | 81.1% |
The overall quality of the modules; good to excellent: | 80.5% | 81.3% | 88.3% | 96.7% | 97.0% |
- Armson H, Wycliffe-Jones K, Mackay MP, Roder S. Academic Half-Days: Facilitated Small Groups to Promote Interactive Learning. Family medicine. 2020;52(1):53-64. PMID: 31914185
- Armson H, Roder S, Wakefield J, Eva KW. Toward Practice-Based Continuing Education Protocols: Using Testing to Help Physicians Update Their Knowledge. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2020;40(4):248-56. PMID: 33284176 (2020 JCEHP Award for Excellence in Research)
- Armson H, Perrier L, Roder S, Shommu NS, Wakefield J, Shaw E, et al. Assessing Unperceived Learning Needs in Continuing Medical Education for Primary Care Physicians: A Scoping Review. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2020;40(4):257-67. PMID: 33284177
- Stewart L, Cunningham D. Practice-based small group learning (PBSGL) with mixed groups of general practitioners and secondary care doctors: a qualitative study. Education for Primary Care. 2020:1-6. PMID: 33252032
- Cunningham DE, Luty S, Alexander A, Waqa V, Zlotos L. The future of CPD for general practitioners, registered pharmacy staff and general practice nurses in Scotland – qualitative responses from a national survey. Education for Primary Care. 2020;31(1):7-14. PMID: 31744397
- Cunningham DE, Zlotos L. Practice-Based Small Group Learning (PBSGL) in Scotland: the past, the present and the future. Education for Primary Care. 2019;30(6):337-41. PMID: 31526319
- Cooke LJ, Duncan D, Rivera L, Dowling SK, Symonds C, Armson H. How do physicians behave when they participate in audit and feedback activities in a group with their peers? Implementation Science. 2018;13(1):104. PMID: 30064509
- Cooke LJ, Duncan D, Rivera L, Dowling SK, Symonds C, Armson H. The Calgary Audit and Feedback Framework: a practical, evidence-informed approach for the design and implementation of socially constructed learning interventions using audit and group feedback. Implementation Science. 2018;13(1):136. PMID: 30376848
- Armson H, Roder S, Elmslie T, Khan S, Straus SE. How do clinicians use implementation tools to apply breast cancer screening guidelines to practice? Implementation Science. 2018;13(1):79. PMID: 29879984
- Park J, Cunningham DE. The recruitment of new members to existing PBSGL small groups: a qualitative study. Education for Primary Care. 2018;29(4):201-7. PMID: 29683038
- Shaw E, Roder S, Leadbetter W, Armson H, Elmslie T, Wakefield J. Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Stimulate Review of Planned Practice Changes. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2016;36 Suppl 1(Suppl. 1):S52-3. PMID: 27584074
- Armson, H, Elmslie, T, Roder, S, Wakefield, J. Encouraging Reflection and Change in Clinical Practice: Evolution of a Tool. JCEHP 17 SEP 2015;35(3); 220-231. PMID: 26378428
- Armson, H, Elmslie, T, Roder, S, Wakefield, J. Is the Cognitive Complexity of Commitment-to-Change Statements Associated With Change in Clinical Practice? An Application of Bloom’s Taxonomy. JCEHP 17 SEP 2015;35(3); 166-175. PMID: 26378422
- Armson H, Wakefield J. Expanding the horizons of practice-based small group learning: what are we learning? Educ Prim Care 2013; 24(3): 153-155. PMID: 23676868
- Armson H, MacVicar R. (2013) The Thistle and the Maple Leaf: Practice-Based Small-Group Learning in Canada and Scotland. In: Clinical Uncertainty in Primary Care. Eds. Sommers, LS, Launer J. Springer New York. Chapter 6: 117-146.
- MacVicar R, Guthrie V, O’Rourke J, Sneddon A. Supporting educational supervisor development at the interface: evaluation of a pilot PBSGL for faculty development. Educ Prim Care 2013; 24(3): 178-84. PMID: 23676873
- Armson H, Kinzie, S, Hawes D, Roder S, Wakefield J, Elmslie T. Translating Learning into Practice: Lessons from the Practice-Based Small-Group Learning Program. Can Fam Physician 2007; 53: 1477-1485. PMID: 17872876
- Hesselgreaves H, MacVicar R. Practice-based small group learning in GP specialty training. Educ Prim Care; 2012; 23(1): 27-33. PMID: 22306142
- Cunningham D, McCallister P, MacVicar R. Practice-based small group learning: what are the motivations to become and continue as a facilitator? A qualitative study. Qual Prim Care 2011; 19(1): 5-12. PMID: 21703107
- Armson H, Kinzie S. (2010) Evidence-based Learning and Practice: A Guide for Small Group Facilitators. Wakefield, JW. Editor. Hamilton, Ontario: The Foundation for Medical Practice Education. p. 1-14.
- Sargeant J, Armson H, Chesluk B, Dornan T, Eva K, Holmboe E, Lockyer J, Loney E, Mann K, van der Vleuten C. The Processes and Dimensions of Informed Self-Assessment: A Conceptual Model. Acad Med 2010; 85(7); 1212-1220. PMID: 20375832
- Roder S, Armson H, Kinzie S, Shaw E, Elmslie T, Wakefield J. (2010) Learning from practice – using multiple types of program evaluations for continuous improvement of the Practice-Based Small Group Learning Program. Family Medicine Forum Oct 2010.
- Walsh AJ, Armson HA, Wakefield JG., Leadbetter W, Roder, S. Using a Practice-Based Small Group Learning Approach to Enhance Effective Feedback Skills for Teachers. Teach Learn Med 2009; 21:45-51. PMID: 19130386
- Overton GK., McCalister P, Kelly D, MacVicar R. Practice-based Small Group Learning: How health professionals view their intention to change and the process of implementing change in practice. Med Teach 2009; 31:e514-e520. PMID: 19909029
- Overton GK, MacVicar R. (2008) Requesting a Commitment to Change: Conditions that produce behavioral or attitudinal commitment. J Contin Educ Health Prof 2008; 28(2): 60-66. PMID: 18521882
- MacVicar R, Cunningham D, Cassidy J, McCalister P, O’Rouke J, Kelly D. Applying evidence into practice through small group learning: A Scottish pilot of a Canadian programme. Educ Prim Care 2006; 17(5): 465-472.
- Herbert CP, Wright JM, Maclure M, Wakefield J, Dormuth C, Brett-MacLean P, Legare, J, Premi J. Better Prescribing Project: a randomized controlled trial of the impact of case-based educational modules and personal prescribing feedback on prescribing for hypertension in primary care. Family Practice 2004; 21 (5): 575-581. PMID: 15367481
- Wakefield JG. Commitment to Change: Exploring its role in changing physician behavior through continuing education. J Contin Educ Health Prof 2004; 24:197-204. PMID: 15709559
- Wakefield J, Herbert CP, Maclure M, Dormuth C, Wright JM, Legare, J, Brett-MacLean P, Premi J. Commitment to change statements can predict actual change in practice. J Contin Educ Health Prof 2003; 23: 81-93. PMID: 12866327
- MacVicar R. Canada’s practice based small group learning programme: An innovative approach to continuing professional development. Educ Prim Care 2003; 14: 431-439.