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“Sodium Abnormalities in Adults” Module

We have reviewed a representative sample of practice change statements that have been submitted to us on practice reflection tools after members complete a module.

What are some common things that our members want to change about their practice?

The table below shows the two most common practice change tips from our members for the “Sodium Abnormalities in Adults” module and what enabled that change:

Practice change tipEnablers
Order serum osmolality, urine osmolality and urine sodium as the next set of tests after a low sodium test result• Create a lab req for hyponatremia work-up
• Use a testing algorithm to interpret results (Appendix 2 in module)
Review medications that can cause hyponatremia• Print Table 2 from the module (“Medications that can cause hyponatremia”)
• Consult a pharmacist

The full module is available on Members Online or you can follow this quick link to access a resource page with the Appendix and Table.