Earlier this year, we launched a pilot that integrates our small group and individual programs to provide a richer CME experience. Learn more about the pilot here.
Participants were recently surveyed to share their experiences.
- 20% of small group members have independently completed additional modules.
- 34% of respondents reported a positive impact from the pilot on their small group experience, while 66% noted no change. None of the respondents reported a negative impact.
- 7% of individual members have joined a group since the start of the pilot.
Reported Benefits
Better Value
- “My group loves that if they miss a meeting, they can learn on their own. It’s been positive and makes the program of better value.”
- “It encouraged docs to explore and look at other modules. It also allowed docs who miss a group meeting to do the modules on their own.”
Promotes Group Continuity
- “It offers more opportunities, and I am hoping it may lure some members back to the group who left due to challenges with time commitments.”
Ability to Stay Caught Up with the Group
- “If I was unable to make it to one of our sessions, I read over the module on my own. I was able to contribute to future conversations on the topic.”
- “I like that it allows me to do the modules if I have been unable to attend the group session so I can participate and contribute to the follow-up session.”
Deeper Learning and Sharing of Experiences
- “I have been able to discuss the in-depth study I did on one of the modules we had already completed.”
- “Group members interact actively and reflect on their experience after implementing changes from the modules.”
Positive Impact on Practice
- “It gives us the chance to talk about our experience with a topic. With everyone’s experience, there is always something to learn/share which positively impacts my practice.”
We are excited about the positive feedback and look forward to fully implementing our combined program. Stay tuned for details!